Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another Mary/Ruthe production

This time Ruthe sits in the scrap metal heap.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The STARZ club

I'm not sure what "STARZ" is, but I do know that Georgia Meeker is the third from the right.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Trick picture

I don't think I've posted this one before (but it's entirely possible). Mary and Ruthe liked to take trick photos -- so this one is Ruthe and her "twin" having a fine time at tea.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Three Sisters

Mil, Mary and Ruthe Meeker in Emporia Kansas.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Meekers and Poages

The album simply captions this one as "with Aunt Emma and Grandmother Poage." The children in the picture are Ben, Mil, Ruthe and Mary. My great-grandmother, Georgia is holding Ruthe and it should be pretty clear who Grandmother Poage is (and she's Georgia Meeker's mother).

Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting back to blogging

I've been a bit lax recently about posting pictures. Despite the fact that I didn't do a whole lot during the semester break, I didn't do much blogging here or anywhere.

And it really stinks because someone who lives in Atchison got in touch with me during the fall and sent me all these pictures of Aunt Gladys. I really need to share those with everyone -- and it's a reminder of how many connections we can find through the internet.

Anyway, I'm trying to post more (and it's something that I consider a sort-of-late-new-year's-resolution) -- and I'm trying to set a bunch of pictures to post during the next month or so. Hopefully, I won't repost any pictures, but my record keeping (and memory!) of what I've posted from Ruthe Cooper's first photo album is a little fuzzy at the moment.


Ben Meeker, 1930s