Sunday, December 2, 2007

Baby BrIsaacsons Become Baptized

Hush. I like the alliteration. I'm worn out and silly right now (even sillier than usual)

We have been incredibly busy this week. I have also been taking my computer with me on days that I teach, so Bradley hasn't had access to the photos we scanned last week. Hence, the relative silence.

Here's Bradley's baptism (1976):

He's with his grandparents, William and Eleanor Cook. And he looks a bit like he might have slept through the baptism.

And here's my baptism (1978):

That's my father and mother on the left; my godmother Pam Mackinem is holding me as my godfather, Walter Mackinem, looks on ... I'm wearing the christening gown worn by my great-grandfather something like 100 years prior to my own baptism. I don't look particularly impressed by that in this picture.


Oh well. Happy December, everyone.

1 comment:

Bradley said...

"Relative" silence. That's funny, given the nature of this blog...